So you decide you want to visit on a Sunday. But then you start wondering what to expect, what to wear, “will they stalk me when I leave?” (the answer to that is no), and so we’ll do our best to give you a glimpse into what a Sunday gathering looks like.


We want you to feel at home, so come how you’re comfortable. Dress down, dress up…either is fine!


Friendly, helpful people will say hi – in the parking lot and inside the doors. For direction or questions, stop at the info sign or ask anyone wearing a lanyard.


You’ll smell Centerway Blend coffee and breakfast pastries when you come in the doors, to which you can help yourself before and after the gathering.


Feel free to sit wherever you like, We’ll begin at 10:00a. You will be greeted and hear some info along with an explanation of the gathering. There will be a message from the Bible and then we’ll have the opportunity to respond to what was shared via worship through singing. The service will wrap up and you’ll be free to hang out, ask for prayer, or visit the cafe again. Altogether the service portion is about 75 minutes, and you’re welcome to spend time hanging out before and after as well!


We believe Jesus is the center and the Gospel is the way. Our messages reflect that. We reveal truth and allow scripture to speak for itself. Our preaching/teaching team wrestles with the text and crafts content for relevant, engaging messages. Even better, Centerway Kids are hearing the same content as the adults (in a kid-friendly way) so that families can grow together and leave with the same application on which to reflect throughout the week.

We provide a variety of resources for you to engage the scripture text and message beyond Sunday morning. You’ll find those on the Messages page. We also believe everyone – no matter where you are in your spiritual journey – has a next step! Check out some of those on the Next Steps page.


Parents/guardians, we got this! For ages 6 months to 6th grade, a competent and fun (and background-checked) team of people will take care of you and your kids from check-in until it’s time to pick them up. Kids Check-in is in the main hallway. 5th and 6th graders start in Centerway Kids and join the adult gathering for worship.

7th-12th graders are part of the Adult Gathering. They can sit with other Students or with their family. There they can serve and grow and engage just like the adults. They also have a variety of Student-specifc ways to engage God and each other throughout the year.


It’s tough to communicate vibe or feel, but it’s nice to know what you’re walking into, so here’s a go at it. It’s pretty easy to be at Centerway. It’s a relaxed, friendly, authentic environment, marked by a deep sense of gratefulness. We have fun. We laugh – even during the messages – and joyfully sing our hearts out. Centerway is full of life and not at all stuffy. Also, we love feedback so please know that when you visit, yours is welcome!